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A popular breakfast tea among the Kashmiris, this exotic blend is made from fine green tea leaves and spices like almonds, cardamom, cinnamon, cloves, rose petals and enriched by Saffron. With a spicy flavour and wonderful aroma, it leaves your mind refreshed.

Ingredients - Assam Green Tea, Almonds, Cardamom, Cinnamon, Clove, Rose Petals, Saffron.


  • Anti Oxidant
  • Burns fat
  • Boosts Immunity
  • Improves Skin Health
  • Improves digestion

Storage Store in an airtight container in room temperature.

Brewing Instructions

  • Bring water to boil and let it cool down to 99 degree C
  • Put 2 gms (1 tea spoon) tea leaves/cup (200ml water) and cover it with lid
  • Allow tea leaves to brew for 5 minutes or according to taste
  • Reuse tea leaves one to two more times. Allow additional 30 seconds steeping time for every reuse.

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